Cupboard Creature
"Born from the imaginations of children who care deeply for their grandparents, this little species of cupboard critter is sworn to protect the elderly."
One of my first in-depth modeling projects, creating the cupboard critter was a study in lore and design. I wanted to create a fantasy creature that took key features from real-life animal species but remained humanoid. In the end, for the body itself, I decided to take inspiration from the sea dragon slug and domesticated cattle.
I knew that this fantasy species was going to be small, intelligent, and would most likely inhabit the homes of the elderly. Keeping this in mind, as well as the fact that their duty would be to protect, I decided to arm these little critters with a needle and button while making their clothes a patchwork of random cloth sewn together.
One of my first in-depth modeling projects, creating the cupboard critter was a study in lore and design. I wanted to create a fantasy creature that took key features from real-life animal species but remained humanoid. In the end, for the body itself, I decided to take inspiration from the sea dragon slug and domesticated cattle.
I knew that this fantasy species was going to be small, intelligent, and would most likely inhabit the homes of the elderly. Keeping this in mind, as well as the fact that their duty would be to protect, I decided to arm these little critters with a needle and button while making their clothes a patchwork of random cloth sewn together.